Introducing: Creator Feeds
Now, anytime you create a page, release a drop, or upload content to your Bonfire site, you’ll have the option to publish it to your own dedicated feed page and enable comments and reactions. Think of your feed as a personal timeline for your creativity.
Today we're launching Creator Feeds, an intuitive timeline feature that provides creators a dynamic space to display all their Bonfire content in reverse-chronological order. But that's not all — your fans can now engage directly with your feed via comments and reactions, amplifying the community experience.

Up until now, organizing your Bonfire content has been a manual process, and the journey for fans to discover this content could be cumbersome. With Creator Feeds, you can not only combine various types of content like Audio, Video, Livestreams, and Drops into a single feed but also offer an interactive space for your community to engage.

Your feed will be automatically enabled and live on bonfire.xyz/your-username/feed (or if you’re using a custom domain, domain.xyz/feed). Any time you create on Bonfire, you’ll have the option to “Publish to Feed” as well as enable or disable comments and reactions on your posts. Comments and reactions will be replacing “Threads” for all Bonfire features except for Livestreams.

Additionally, we’ve created a notifications tab so you’ll be notified every time you get a comment or reaction on a post. And, your fans will also be notified when they get responses to their interactions. It’s a win-win.

What makes it more exciting? Creator Feed works seamlessly with the gating feature we all know and love, meaning all content displayed in your feed can be individually gated. This gives you the freedom to mix and match public and locked content to offer an enriched and varied experience for your fans.

And of course, your Bonfire site is your platform. So if you don't want to use the feed, you can hide it from your site navigation at www.bonfire.xyz/account/settings. This will change the default so that all of your future creations will be set to “Hide from Feed.”
We invite all creators to try Creator Feeds today and take their audience engagement to the next level. For more details, check out our guide on how to get started.

To stay up to date with everything Bonfire, be sure to follow us on X or Instagram, join our newsletter, or check our roadmap for upcoming features or to submit feature requests.

Thank you for being a part of the Bonfire community.

The Bonfire Team
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